Feel free to contact us for any further information.

How to get here?

Shuttle from Montpellier / city center, airport, train station & surrounding areas by reservation / Rate €35 per trip

Nos coordonnées GPS
latitude : 43,74682406191992
longitude : 3,8303232192993164

By highway A9
Take exit Vendargues / Hopitaux facultés n°28. Shortly after, follow the signs for Millau / Alès / Jacou on your right onto D65. At the next roundabout, take RD68 and after approximately 12 kilometers, take the exit towards Saint Mathieu de Tréviers / Le Triadou then Saint Jean de Cuculles. Follow the small signs to our location in the village. We are near the end of Chemin de Bassac, a house on the left with a small stone wall.

By highway A75 from Montpellier
Head towards Hopitaux facultés and Ganges via D986. Follow signs to Les Matelles and then Saint Jean de Cuculles.